Welcome to my OIDC switch board

Choose a provider...


You can manage provider details via RESTful API interface.

Example 1. List current Providers
List Providers

Example 2. Add a provider that allows dynamic regfistration

curl -X PUT \
  https://oidc-lab.pilot1.sram.surf.nl/api/provider/test \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{ "base_url": "https://eduid.lab.surf.nl/", "description": "My Provider", "client_name": "testing123" }'

Above provider will use 'dynamic client registration', off course this will only work if your provider allows you to do so.

Example 3. Add a provider with client credentials

If you have client_id and client_secret from your provider, then specify as follows:
curl -X PUT \
  https://oidc-lab.pilot1.sram.surf.nl/api/provider/test \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{ "base_url": "https://eduid.lab.surf.nl/", "registration": { "client_id": "YOUR CLIENT_ID", "client_secret": "YOUR CLIENT_SECRET" }  }'

NOTE: Please make sure your have registered https://oidc-lab.pilot1.sram.surf.nl/oidc_callback as a valid callback uri with your provider !

(c)2018 Harry Kodden, Source on Github